Monday, 28 April 2014

ODM Condemns Plans to Remit Anglo-Leasing Payments


The National Assembly will betray the people of Kenya if it colludes with the cartels of corruption in and outside the government to pay the fictitious outfit called Anglo Leasing Kshs 125 billion for no services rendered nor goods delivered to the nation.

Both the NARC and the Grand Coalition Governments refused to pay these fictitious debts. Why now?

The Attorney General Prof. Githu Muigai should realize that a transaction which is wrong, defective and fraudulent ab initio cannot be sanitized by exploiting the fine prints of legal procedure.
As a party, we appeal to members of the National Assembly to stand on the right side of history and refuse to be used to sanitize dirty deals and prepare them for illegal and fraudulent payment.
We also appeal to the people of Kenya to look back, ask themselves why certain things happen only under certain regimes, and collectively reject attempts to pay billions to firms that do not exist and for services never rendered. We must stand up against attempts to plunder and loot our country in our name, for the benefit of individuals.
Anglo-Leasing is back after ten years in which it was rejected by Narc and the Grand Coalition governments.
The last time poaching was witnessed on a grand scale in Kenya was in the mid-1970s. Poaching of our wildlife heritage is back in a big way, under Jubilee.
There is a fresh attempt to grab Karura Forest after Kenyans, led by the late Prof. Wangari Maathai, successfully fought off such attempts in the 1980s and 1990s.

Kenyans will hold the AG personally responsible if this grand corruption of paying for Anglo Leasing is fully consummated to the detriment of current and future generations. 
In any case the individuals who fraudulently committed the government to these fake transactions should be held personally responsible for any money that these Lords of corruption are laying claim to in the international arena.

We appeal to the people of Kenya to get ready to stand up against attempts to take the country to the past. We did not get where we are by accident or State benevolence. We fought to get where we are, we must fight to get where we set out to be.

Prof. P. Anyang' Nyong'o
Ag. Party Leader
Nairobi 26 April, 2014

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