Thursday, 27 December 2012

ODM Secretariat Denies Direct Nomination of Any Candidate


My attention has been drawn to statements purportedly issued by Hon. Jakoyo Midiwo yesterday in Siaya saying that anybody intending to contest against Hon Dr Oburu Oginga in the Governor’s seat in that country should defect to another party.

I have checked this issue with Hon. Midiwo and he assures me that he never said anything like that.

This must be a fabrication by some person or persons with ill intentions calculated to undermine the integrity of the electoral process in the party.

I would like to assure Kenyans once again that there is absolutely no sacred cow in the party. The ODM National Elections Board is capable of conducting free and fair nominations to which all contestants will be subjected.

As Secretary General of the party I have two people running against me for the Kisumu County Senate Seat. I am doing all I can to win the hearts and minds of the voters to win in a competitive and open nomination process.

Prof. Peter Anyang’ Nyong’o