Friday, 28 September 2012

Former Makadara MP Reuben Ndolo Affirms ODM Life Membership

 At least half a dozen sources have reported it. Online publications and social media has been awash with rumours that the National Alliance (TNA) associated with Uhuru Kenyatta is wooing ODM MPs and pointmen in Nairobi and that former Makadara MP was due to defect anytime. 

The Star went as far as reporting Hon Bishop Margaret Wanjiru would be among defectors to be received by TNA honchos at Serena Hotel on Thurday morning. 

On facebook “The Truth Weekly Newspaper” revealed that ODM MP for Starehe Margaret Wanjiru would be announcing her defection from the party alongside former Makadara MP Reuben Ndolo at the same venue further enforcing the reports on the Star that alluded that TNA had already contacted ODM Nairobi Branch vice chairman Ibrahim Ahmed "Johnie" and Foreign Affairs assistant minister Richard Onyonka to join its ranks. 

This blogger took it upon himself to confront the Hon Wanjiru and Hon Ndolo on twitter. While the latter is known to be active on social media, the former last updated her twitter account on August 2010. 

Whilst no TNA press conference took place in Serena Hotel as earlier announced by The Star and “The Truth Weekly”, former Makadara MP has today confirmed he is a life member of ODM. The confirmation is in response to a twitter challenge from your truly as reproduced below.

Hon Bishop Margaret Wanjiru’s reponse via the same means is still awaited.

ODM Party Leader Meets ODM Nairobi Aspirants

PM Raila arrives at the Nyayo National Stadium Gymnasium for the Nairobi County ODM aspirants meeting.
The Orange Democratic Movement has today organised a meeting for Nairobi ODM officials, delegates and aspirants with the Party Leader RT.Hon Raila Odinga at the Nyayo Stadium Gymnasium  to discuss house keeping business with a view to the 2013 general elections.

Thursday, 27 September 2012

Amos Wako Formally Joins ODM

Raila addresses the press after receiving Wako at Orange House.
Former long serving Attorney General Amos Wako has officially joined ODM and declared his interest in vying for the seat of Senator of Busia County via the ODM. 

Prime Minister and ODM Party Leader received Hon Wako to the party at a function held at Orange House this morning. Wako said the ODM is the party of choice in Busia county and the larger Western Kenya region adding that that the party's leadership is commited to implementing the new constitution which he (Wako) worked hard to make a reality.

While welcoming Wako to the ODM, Odinga said the ODM remains unshaken and termed recent threats defections from ODM as normal politics since the electoral cyle is here with us and it is time for realignments

Hon. Amos Wako  served as the Attorney General of the republic of Kenya for 20 years (from 13 May 1991 to 26 August 2011). He was educated at Kakamega High School, and earned a Bachelor of Science in Economics at the University of London, a Bachelor of Laws at the University College of Dar-es-Salaam, and a Master of Laws at the University of London. He served in several professional organizations, including holding the position of Secretary General of the African Bar Association from 1978 to 1980, and as the first secretary general of the Inter-African Union of Lawyers. He is a member of the Faculty Board of Law at the University of Nairobi. Between 1985 and 1992, he was a member of the UN Human Rights Committee.

PM Odinga Launches Kenya-Germany Business Forum

On Thursday, 27 September 2012, the Delegation of German Industry and Commerce and the German-African Business Association (Afrika-Verein) will hold the 1st Kenyan-German Business Forum in Kenya.

The meeting at the Hilton Hotel follows a visit to Germany by Prime Minister Raila Odinga in September 2010, where he met representatives of more than 60 firms at the Hamburg Chamber of Commerce and appealed to them to consider investing in Kenya.

At the meeting in Hamburg, the PM likened Kenya’s experiences to those of Germany after the Second World War.

“I know what Germany achieved after the war. When you look at Germany today, it is like Germany which suffered so much devastation was the winner in that war. I believe we can achieve this in Kenya,” he said then.

On Thursday, the Prime Minister will give an opening address and inaugurate the newly established office of the Delegation of German Industry and Commerce in Nairobi. The organisers of the Forum expect some 160 participants, 40 of whom are high-ranking representatives from Germany’s business community. 

Mr Odinga is expected at the Hilton at 9:30 am.

Wednesday, 26 September 2012

PM Odinga’s Remarks at the 1st Anniversary of Prof. Wangari Maathai

Prime Minister Raila Odinga is received by family members of the late Prof. Wangari Maathai at Green Belt Movement Headquarters during the 1st memorial Anniversary for Professor Wangari Muta Maathai in Nairobi
Nairobi, Tuesday, September 25, 2012 PMPS

Some critical questions come to mind as we mark the first anniversary of the death of Prof Wangari Maathai. Wangari’s life story reminds us of the power that is within all of us. 

What we do with that power is, however, a different story. We can use the power and the influence to damage and to degrade for short term gains. 

We can also use our power and influence to mobilize our people to save the nation and move it forward. The choice is ours. 

Wangari’s problem was not that Kenyans did not appreciate the need to conserve forests and parks and the environment in general. Her problem stemmed from the fact that her movement and her beliefs came to be seen as a threat to the rich, the powerful and the status quo. 

Her ideas represented a push for a change in the direction the country was moving. And change always threatens those benefiting from the Status Quo. 

And such people do not take it lying down. They fight back, viciously. That is why Wangari could be beaten, arrested and vilified for the simple act of planting a tree. Her life proves to us that, even simple acts of change like restoring forests, never come easy. But the fruits of change are good for the greater majority.

PM Raila Odinga unveiling Kenya Postal Corporation new stamp in honour of 2004 Nobel Peace Laureate Prof.Wangari Maathai at Green Belt Movement Headquarters

Come to think of it and ask yourself, what if Wangari had sat back and allowed Karura Forest to be destroyed? What if she coiled in fear and let Central Park and Uhuru Park be turned into concrete jungles?

We still face challenges for which we need brave champions.

We have a challenge of ensuring a clean environment that will help improve lives by providing clean water and firewood for cooking and thereby decreasing conflict.

We have seen fighting over different parts of our country over dwindling water and pastures. Our harvests have equally dwindled.

We will need more brave Kenyans to stand up for the restoration of our environment while at the same time ensuring that the people are taken care of in the process.

We need such courage to be brought into the field of politics and policy formulation.

Usually, this is where the mess begins.

When politicians and policy makers go for what is expedient and easy as opposed to what is necessary however hard, the nation is in peril.

Today more than ever, our country needs leadership that reminds our people that we are one nation and not a collection of tribes, tongues, religions and sexes.

We need a leadership that will resist the pull and the allure of the tribe; a leadership that will remind our people of the words of President Reagan…

“If we ever forget that we are One Nation Under God, then we will be a nation gone under.”

Wangari Maathai stood up at a very difficult time. In her honour, I want to appeal to more women to go for leadership positions in the coming elections.

With the new Constitution, the women will not have to struggle as hard as Wangari did.

As Prime Minister, and as a leader of powerful political party, I promise to lend a hand of support to such women, ensure security and a level playing field for them and to help lift them up.

Rt. Hon Raila Odinga, EGH, MP, Prime Minister

Tuesday, 25 September 2012

The New ODM Elections Board Issues Notice to Party Aspirants


The newly constituted ODM National Elections Board wishes to inform the general public, the ODM members and the prospective ODM aspirants for all the positions during the forthcoming General Elections as follows:

  • The Board is currently reviewing the roadmap for holding fair, transparent and democratic elections and nominations.
  •  The Board affirms that the nomination process will be fully transparent, inclusive and participatory. Every ODM member who wishes to run for any post will have the freedom to stand and every voter will have the right to vote for the candidate he/she wishes to nominate and elect.
  • The Board also wishes to inform all aspirants that it shall be appointing new coordinators and set up Election Supervisory Panels in all the 47 counties to supervise the party primaries and would like to further assure that the individuals appointed shall be people of integrity who shall ensure a free and fair exercise.
  • The Board is also reviewing all the pending cases and matters that the former Board was handling with a determination to resolve them immediately including harmonization and the holding of elections in the 80 new constituencies.
  •  The Board urges all ODM members, prospective candidates voters and the public at large to read and understand all the rules, laws, regulations and code of conduct that govern the election process in order to fully adhere to them. This is the only way to ensure that we hold fair, peaceful and transparent elections.
  •  And pursuant to the provisions of our Party Election and Nomination rules, the Board hereby gives notice to all ODM officials holding positions in the Party Organs, at all levels and who are interested in vying for positions in the coming general elections to ensure they hand in their written resignation one month, before the nomination date.
  •  The Board hereby gives further notice that it shall announce the date for Party primaries as soon as they receive the necessary resolution from the Party’s National Executive Committee (NEC).
  •  Finally, NEB assures candidates that there SHALL be no DIRECT NOMINATIONS. The playing ground will be even and non-compromised.

Thank You.



Orange Democratic Movement,
ODM Orange House Kilimani

Monday, 24 September 2012

ODM Position on Constitutional Gender Equity

My attention has been drawn to the debate that has emerged over affirmative action on elective seats and the hardening positions over gender equity.

I wish to inform the people of Kenya that positions so far taken by MPs from the Orange Democratic Movement are personal and do not reflect the stand of the party on this critical constitutional matter.

ODM stands for, and remains committed to, a full and faithful implementation of the Constitution.

ODM remains committed to gender parity, having fought hard for the inclusion of its provisions in the Constitution.

I therefore wish to appeal to all ODM MPs remember their contract with the people of Kenya and rally behind the Constitution of Kenya Amendment Bill 2011, now before Parliament.

The purpose of this Bill is to address the question of achieving the right proportion of either gender in the coming election.

In the interest of the Constitution, the minorities and the disadvantaged, I urge all MPs, regardless of party affiliation, to support the Bill and vote for it in the House.

Failure to do so would be a betrayal of the Constitution, the people of Kenya in general, and the women in particular.

I believe that if we have the will to support the constitutional provisions on gender, we will find the way to implement them.

By Rt. Hon Raila Odinga
Party Leader - ODM